Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A little bit about all the contributers...

Reviewer/Contributor T-Bone

Hi, my name is Jeff. My friends call me T-Bone. I am a harsh critic of restaurants. I don't stand for mediocrity, especially when it comes to quick and friendly service and cleanliness of the restaurant. If there is any question that my food is not being cooked in a clean kitchen, they will be docked at least 3 or 4 Moms. There are a lot of elements that go into a good dining experience, but nothing is as important as good tasting food! Some of my favorite foods are: Steak, Pasta, Pizza, Burgers, and Chicken Dishes. I like experimenting new things as much as the next guy, but there are some things I don't eat: mushrooms, and anything that comes out of the water (i.e. shrimp, fish, lobster, etc.). Look out Utah restaurants, the Momma's Boys are coming and we're hungry!

Reviewer/Contributor Terence

Hello, my name is Terence. I am probably the most opposite of the all the reviewers. I’m a big fan of fish and seafood. I don’t do too well on shellfish, and I’m not a fan of pulpy slimy textured vegetables (i.e. tomatoes, peppers, etc). I do prefer some meals cooked with peppers, because I like spicy food. However, I just can’t eat the peppers themselves. I know, I’m weird like that. I’m also a fan of meat dishes. Chinese food is a must for me. I’m also a big fan of Cajun food. I’m mostly about the atmosphere and décor of places as well. I’m kind of harsh on a place that I just don’t find it enjoyable to look around. I have ADHD in that regard. Overall, I’m most eclectic of all the people reviewing.

Reviewer/Contributor Choda

Hello everyone, my name is Choda and I love food. My favorite thing in the world to do is eat. I would rather eat a good meal than do anything… well almost anything. The things I am going to be looking for in a great dining experience will all deal with my 5 senses. For example SIGHT I am a very visual person and I will be looking for a visual experience with everything (atmosphere, food presentation, hot waitress maybe). SOUND I will not stand for crappy music in a restaurant. I am down with a good mariachi band when appropriate or anything that enhances the experience what I am not down with is crappy music being pumped over the speakers to make your restaurant seem hip and crowded. TOUCH I will be noticing things like sticky or dirty tables, uncomfortable chairs (my ass will inspect them like a blind man getting to know your face), as well as the tactile experience with the food. SMELL Now were getting into the more serious senses when it comes to food criticism. Like everyone else I hate the smell of a dirty kitchen. If I walk into your restaurant and the first thing I smell is the dirty dishes and not delicious food then were going to have a problem. When my meal comes out I expect the smell to enhance the flavor. And last but not least by any means TASTE
In this category I am looking for something that goes beyond the norm, something that will make me come back to your establishment over and over again. If I find what I am looking for in this department I might be willing to overlook some of the other flaws and give your restaurant a perfect score of 10 MOMS!

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